General parameters

1 to stop the algorithm after the evaluation of the root node (default=0). Thus BiqCrunch can be used as a simple solver to test a relaxation (computational time and gap). This option is also useful when adjusting parameters by inspecting several output files for the root node (verbosity command line option -v 1 should be used in that case);
maximum running time in seconds. Set to 0 for no time limit (default=0). If the solver stops before solving the problem exactly then the final gap (between the worst bound in the search tree and the value of current best feasible solution found) will be provided;
enable (1) or disable (0) the heuristic called at the beginning of the execution (default=1);
enable (1) or disable (0) the heuristic called after each call of L-BFGS-B during the computation of the bound (default=1);
enable (1) or disable (0) the heuristic called after the evaluation of a node (default=1);
random number generator seed. In particular, this seed is used for the Goemans-Williamson heuristic (default heuristic) (default=2016);
enable (1) or disable (0) a simple “1-opt” local-search. This local-search routine returns a solution that is locally optimal starting from a feasible solution provided by each heuristic;
(0) Branch on least-fractional variable, (1) Branch on most-fractional variable, (2) Branch on variable that is closest to one (default=1);
user is providing a known feasible solution value (default=0);
the value of a known feasible solution (default=none).