2.3.2 Heuristic timing

The heuristic function is called during the execution of the branch-and-bound algorithm:

  1. at the beginning of the algorithm;
  2. during the computation of the bound of each node of the branch-and-bound tree;
  3. after the evaluation of each node of the branch-and-bound tree.

This information is saved in the function parameter heuristic_code, which can take three different values:

if the function is called at the beginning of the algorithm;
if the function is called during the evaluation of the bound;
if the function is called after the evaluation of a node.

A simple use of this information is shown in the Code 2.1 taken from heur.c.

double BC_runHeuristic(Problem *P0, Problem *P, BobNode *node, int *x, 
                        int heuristic_code) 
    double heur_val; 
    switch (heuristic_code) { 
        case PRIMAL_HEUR: 
            heur_val = primalHeuristic(P0, x); 
        case SDP_BOUND_HEUR: 
            heur_val = sdpBoundHeuristic(P0, node, x); 
        case ROUNDING_HEUR: 
            heur_val = roundingHeuristic(P0, node, x); 
    // If x is feasible, perform a local search around x for a better solution 
    if (params.local_search && BC_isFeasibleSolution(x)) { 
        local_search(node, x, &heur_val, P0); 
    return heur_val; 
Code 2.1: Use of the heuristic_code information