Chapter 2
Advanced usage

BiqCrunch will not modify your model before solving it, so be cautious when modeling your problem. The semidefinite bound and the efficiency of the solver could be affected. In particular, if one wants to get a stronger underlying semidefinite relaxation, some extra constraints (redundant in the initial 0-1 model) should be added in the model. A small example illustrating this point is provided in /problems/generic/examples/.

 2.1 BiqCrunch Parameters
  subparagraphGeneral parameters
  General parameters
  Bounding parameters
  Bounding parameters
 2.2 Instance syntax
 2.3 Heuristics
  2.3.1 Generic heuristics
  2.3.2 Heuristic timing
  2.3.3 Additional functions
  2.3.4 Data structures