1.2 Usage

To run BiqCrunch just use the specific problem version that can be found in the corresponding subdirectory in problems/.

  $ ./biqcrunch [-v (0|1)] <INSTANCE> <PARAMETERS>

The parameter -v is the verbosity of BiqCrunch and <INSTANCE> is the input file in the BC format. If the -v flag is missing then BiqCrunch will use the non-verbose option. Be cautious: the verbose option can produce large output files for some problems. The more verbose option is mainly useful for testing different parameters values by giving additional information during the evaluation of each node of the search tree. During the solving process, some information will be displayed on screen. In particular, each time a better feasible solution is found, the node number and the new value will be provided.

At the end of the command a parameters file is required (note that several files are provided for different problems). A complete description of these parameters is given in Section 2.