BiqCrunch (second release, 2016)
BiqCrunch Solver (code, documentation and tools)
Main new features of this release: performance improvement (see the new numerical tests), new parameters to specify the objective value of a known feasible solution, to select the branching Strategy, to use a simple local-search routine, to set the seed for the random number generator, improved output format for both the terminal output and the more detailed output. User can take advantage of specific constraints to set the values of variables during the Branch-and-bound (a user-function must be defined).
BiqCrunch (first release, 2014)
Contribution : MLT-BiqCrunch
- MLT-BiqCrunch 2.0 Solver (code, documentation and tools)
Multi-threaded version: F.Butelle, C.Coti, E.Lelercq, and F.Roupin:Solving 0-1 Quadratic Problems with Two-Level Parallelization of the BiqCrunch Solver. Proceedings of Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, pages 445-452, Prague, Czech Republic, 2017
BiqCrunch tools
- Conversion tools for max cut, k-cluster and unconstrained 0-1 quadratic problems
- LP to BC conversion tool. reads a binary quadratic optimization problem in LP format and generates the corresponding BiqCrunch input file. It follows the CPLEX LP format specifications.